

This multidisciplinary, education-oriented organization focuses on improving obstetric anesthesia practice, obstetric practice, and neonatal care in China (a country that makes up 20% of the world’s population). Our participants come from major medical institutions across the US, including Northwestern, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford. We use data from several large impact studies, including a total of 55,000 deliveries to demonstrate an improvement in maternal and fetal outcomes, including a reduction in the cesarean delivery rate. With the implementation of our ideas and practices,r roughly 15,000 unnecessary caesarean deliveries can be prevented and episiotomies. We are also making some progress in reducing the number of unnecessary episiotomies. Anecdotal reports suggest that we have even saved the lives of at least ten women and their babies through the dissemination of our crash cesarean delivery protocol. We are bringing a positive change to Chinese culture where laboring mothers can fully appreciate the miracle of childbirth without experiencing the unnecessary pain that comes with it.

2008: Establishing Obstetric Anesthesia Guideline

2011: National mandate for a DECREASE in cesarean delivery rate

2012: Creation of a NATIONAL BILLING CODE for neuraxial labor analgesia

2012:Updating Obstetric Anesthesia Guideline

2013: Updating obstetric guidelines for arrest of labor in the 2nd stage

2014: Updating obstetric guidelines for arrest of labor in the 2nd stage again

2014: China Labor and Delivery Study Lead by Jun Zhang, MD, PhD

2017: 16.45% of 15.23 millions  (approximately 1.59328 millions) have received epidural labor analgesia with 43.56% cesarean delivery rate in 2017

2019: China’s National Health Commission has appointed 913 pilot hospitals across the nation for neuraxial labor analgesia on March 20th, 2019, where at least 3.6 million childbirths are estimated annually

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